Out of a Rock Quarry



In 1867, the Founding Fathers of Saint Augustine’s University — members of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina — set out to make education accessible to newly freed slaves.

A century and half later, the legacy of providing opportunity and transforming lives through access to a quality education continues at Saint Augustine’s University.

Episcopal shield
Saint Augustine's University seal

More than one-third of all black priests in the Episcopal Church, including three African-American bishops, are graduates of Saint Augustine’s University, which is one of only two historically Black colleges affiliated with the Church.


Aldert Smedes
Aldert Smedes
Armond J. Derosset
Armond J. Derosset
Edward M. Forbes
Edward M. Forbes
J. Brinton Smith
J. Brinton Smith
John Wilkes
John Wilkes
Joseph B. Cheshire
Joseph B. Cheshire
Kemp P. Battle
Kemp P. Battle
Richard H. Smith
Richard H. Smith
Richard S. Mason
Richard S. Mason
Thomas Atkinson
Thomas Atkinson
William R. Cox
William R. Cox


Bishop Michael Curry

The Right Reverend
Michael B. Curry

The XXVII Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church


The Reverend Hershey Mallette Stephens

The Chaplain of Saint Augustine’s University

Pic Oct 18

 The Reverend Sallie Simpson

University Deacon

Bishop Rodman

The Right Reverend
Samuel Rodman

The XII Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina, and a member of the Saint Augustine’s University Board of Trustees.

Bishop Ann Hodges-Copple

The Right Reverend Anne E. Hodges-Copple

The VI Bishop Suffragan of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina

Bishop Henry Delany

Bishop Henry Beard Delany

Saint Augustine’s graduate and the first African American to become an Suffragan Bishop for colored work in the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina and the second in the United States.

Saint Augustine

Saint Augustine of Hippo

The Patron Saint of SAU is Saint Augustine of Hippo, a Christian and Bishop born in the year 354 AD in Thagaste (now Souk Ahras, Algeria), Africa.


Bishop Henry Irving Mayson

Bishop Henry Irving Mayson

The Rev. George Christopher Cooper
The Rev. George Christopher Cooper was a faculty member and deacon at Saint Augustine’s University.The memorial window in his honor was dedicated by his wife, Anna Julia Cooper

The Rev. Charles Avery
The Rev. Charles Avery was a Methodist minister and one of the initial benefactors of Saint Augustine’s Normal School.The memorial window on the west side of the chapel is named in his honor.The Rev. Avery died in 1854 and left his estate to be used for the education of slaves.In 1867, the Rev. Dr. J. Brinton Smith worked with Attorneys King and Howe in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania to negotiate a donation of $25,000 to Saint Augustine’s Normal School.

The Rev. Dr. J. Brinton Smith
The Rev. J. Brinton Smith, D.D. was an incorporator of Saint Augustine’s University and a memorial window in his honor is on the north side of the chapel.He also served as the first principal of Saint Augustine’s Normal School when it was founded in 1867.

John C. Hunter
John C. Hunter and Sarah A. Clark Hunter were the parents of the Rev. Aaron Burtis Hunter D.D., priest and later the principal for Saint Augustine’s Normal School and Collegiate Institute.A window in John C. Hunter’s memory is above the east facing altar in the Saint Augustine’s Chapel.

The Rev. Dr. Aaron Burtis Hunter, D.D.
The flower stand to the right of the altar is dedicated to the Rev. Aaron Burtis Hunter, the fourth principal of Saint Augustine’s School in 1891.As an instructor of theology, he was dedicated to the scholarly development of his students in the field stating, “religion is for the training of . . . body, intellect, heart, and will, not just the expression of . . . emotion. His wife, Mrs. Sarah Lothrop Taylor Hunter was the founder and head of Saint Agnes Hospital and Training School for Nurses. The Benson Library was also started under his administration with a gift from Mary Benson, and Charles Boyer came to Saint Augustine’s College from Yale as a faculty member.He later became the first dean of the college in 1928.

Legacy Tour performance
Theatrical depiction of Saint Augustine in the Saint Augustine's Chapel.



Through the Absalom Tuition Grant, qualifying Episcopal students receive a renewable grant worth $8,945 annually — a 50% discount. Students may apply online at hitchedhike.com or call the Office of Admissions at 919.516.4012 for more information.


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Text GIVE and your donation amount to 919.373.6799

Mail your check made out to Saint Augustine’s University to:

Saint Augustine’s University

Office of Institutional Advancement & Development

1315 Oakwood Ave.

Raleigh, NC 27610

Your tax-deductible support helps continue the Founding Fathers’ legacy of making opportunity and education accessible.

Bishop Henry Beard Delany, pictured in the center, in front of Saint Augustine's Chapel, 1918